We got off to a rough start in our new building. Everything was going good until we turned the water on. We ended up with a water leak under the sidewalk. Yes, on our side of the meter. Finally got that fixed.
During the summer we started hosting "The Portal" which is sponsored by Chris and Melinda. The Portal is a time for young adults (teen to early 20's) can come in and enjoy spending tome together playing games, chit chatting, and having fun.
In August we got set up with Wizards of the Coast to sell Magic the Gathering cards, decks, etc. We hosted our first ever prerelese in October. It was a grand event! We just made the requirements just in time. Our Wizards rep was quite impressed with our numbers considering the size of our town and that we were an arcade. :-)
In October we participated in the Monster March. Handed out a lot of candy to the local kids.
In December we participated in the Christmas Parade......and came away with an honorable mention with our "PacMan Fever" entry.
Did you see our video of Then and Now? If you haven't here it is. Pictures of the building right after we got it and pictures 1 year later.
Since then, we have been working on temporary kitchen up front. It will be a while until we can get the back fixed the way we want it to have our dream kitchen. We will share more about that in our next post.